The 10 Best Hard Rock Breakup Songs Breaking up is hard on everyone whether you are a seventeen year old girl or a fifty-five year old man. There are a million songs about splitting up … Continue reading
The 10 Best Patriotic Rock Songs and Videos As you stare into the sky this 4th of July, it is a time to reflect and celebrate our freedom. The United States of America is the greatest country in the world. … Continue reading
Most Influential Rock Albums of The 70s It is impossible to create or substantiate any definitive list of “the best” or “greatest” rock albums because any list will be entirely subjective. With that in mind, however, everyone I talk to … Continue reading
Best 5 Bonnaroo Sets 2013 Bonnaroo has one of the most diverse lineups of any of the major festivals. The beauty of this festival comes from the eclectic crowds; metal heads two-stepping to Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, … Continue reading