Nonpoint and Otherwise Concert Review and Photos



Nonpoint and Otherwise Concert Review and Photos


The show was on a late summer evening in 2013.  The weather was balmy and pleasant.  I saw Nonpoint and Otherwise at the historic Castle Theatre in Bloomington, Illinois.  This venue is very small and has a nice stage with an intimate feel.  Local bands Clippoint and Polarity opened.  The final opener was Primer 55, a solid metal band from Atlanta, Georgia.

Otherwise is a hard rock band from Las Vegas, Nevada.  Their song, “I Don’t Apologize (1000 Pictures)” is a great song about getting cheated on.  They lyrics:

I’d rather be blind than to see your eyes,  I’d rather be deaf than to hear your lies

I’d rather be broke than to sell my soul, I gave you my all but you’ll never know

No I’m not going to  hurt anymore, I’ve already walked through that door

The catchy hook and the timeless subject of infidelity makes it a sure hit.  Watch the video here:

The band had family that had traveled from Chicago in the audience and dedicated fans who knew every single word to every song.  Ryan Patrick, the guitarist came up to one of those fans and acknowledged her immediately.  Then he came right up to me and gave me a hug.  That is what I love about the small venue.  You can really connect with the artist so closely.   Vassilios “V” Metropoulis, the bassist, of Otherwise did a lot of work for the band including sound check, carrying equipment, selling merchandise and posing for pictures.


Adrian Patrick
Ryan Patrick
Andrew Pugh
Badass Adrian Patrick

Nonpoint is a metal band from Fort Lauderdale, Florida with Puerto Rican roots.  They have played huge venues like Download Festival but small venues like The Castle Theatre as well. The vocalist, Elias Soriano, had locs down to his waist and was wearing an old Snoop Dog shirt.  Robb Rivera, the drummer, has his stuffed “Animal” from the Muppets keeping his kit company.

Elias Soriano’s voice is hypnotic and the rhythm makes you want to bang your head all night.   Nonpoint played all their hits including “Bullet With a Name On It”, “Left for You”, “I Said It”, and their cover “In The Air Tonight”.  One of their biggest fans was V Metropoulis from Otherwise.  He got in the middle of the pit and got it moving.  Security started moving up to control him and then they realized he was from Otherwise.  He was fine and I am glad to say there were no injuries in that pit.

Elias Soriano’s wife and sweet daughter with protective ear gear was in the crowd.  She was watching her daddy work. That is so nice that he is able to bring his family to be together on the road.



Adam Woloszyn
Adam Woloszyn
Elias Soriano
Elias Soriano


Dave Lizzio
Dave Lizzio


Elias Soriano
Elias Soriano




I am always amazed at the graciousness of these rock stars and their true relationship with their fan base.  They understand that we are all fans and love to rock!

Ryan Patrick, Suzie Soule, & Corky Gainford


V Metropoulis, Andrew Pugh, Suzie Soule, & Adrian Patrick



Rasheed Thomas, Suzie Soule, & Adam Woloszyn

Additional photos are viewable on Instagram here 


Resources:, accessed 9/11/2013

Butcher Babies

Best Band List


Formed 2010 in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

Current Members (Click on members name for Wiki):

Heidi Shepherd, vocalist, unclean

     @HeidiTheButcher Twitter

     @heidithebutcher Instagram

Carla Harvey, vocalist 

     @carlaharvey Twitter

    @carlacoates Instagram

Henry Flury, guitarist

     @HenryFlury Twitter

     @henryflury Instagram

Jason Klein, bassist

     @JasonTheButcher Twitter

     @Jasontheklein Instagram (private)

Chrissy Warner, drummer

     @ToothlessChris Twitter

     @chrissythebutcher Instagram

   @ButcherBabies Twitter

    Butcher Babies Facebook

   Butcher Babies Instagram

   Butcher Babies YouTube

   Butcher Babies MySpace

Resources: Accessed 9-9-2013.



Bullet For My Valentine

Best Band List


Formed 1998 in Bridgend, Wales

Current Members (Click on members name for Wiki):

Matthew “Matt” Tuck, vocalist, rhythm guitarist

     @MattieValentine Twitter

Michael “Padge” Paget, lead guitarist

     @MichaelPaget Twitter

Michael “Moose” Thomas, drummer

     @moosebullet Twitter

     @moosebullet Instagram

Jason “Jay” James, bassist

     @jaybfmv Twitter

   @bfmvofficial Twitter

    BFMV Facebook

   BFMV Instagram

   BFMV YouTube

   BFMV MySpace

Resources: Accessed 9-8-2013.




Best Band List


Formed 2009 in Highland Park, California, U.S.A.

Current Members (

Jill Janus, vocalist

     @JillJanus Twitter

Blake Meahl, guitarist

Ian Alden, bassistCarl Wierzbicky, drummer

Anthony Crocamo, guitarist


    Huntress Facebook

   Huntress Instagram

Resources: Accessed 9-2-2013.




Best Band List


Formed 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.

Current Members (click on member’s name for Wikipedia):

Adrian Patrick, vocalist 

    About Adrian Patrick

Ryan Patrick, guitarist

    About Ryan Patrick

    @ryanpatrick1988 Instagram

Corky Gainsford, drummer

    About Corky Gainsford

    @corkygainsford Twitter

Vassilios Metropoulos, bassist

     About Vassilios Metropoulos

Andrew Pugh, guitarist

    @andysnafu Instagram

    @AndySnafu Twitter

     @WEareOTHERWISE Twitter

    Otherwise Facebook

    Otherwise YouTube

    Otherwise MySpace

Resources: Accessed 8-28-2013.  Updated 3-17-2014.




Best Band List


Formed 1997 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A.

Current Members (click on member’s name for Wikipedia):

Elias Soriano, vocalist

     @EliasBLC44 Twitter

Robb Rivera, drummer

     @RobbRiveraNP Twitter

     Robb “El Martillo”Rivera Facebook

Rasheed Thomas, guitarist

Dave Lizzio, guitarist

    @Cheesebone82 Twitter 

Adam Woloszyn, bassist


    @nonpointofficial Instagram

     @Nonpoint Twitter

     Nonpoint Facebook

    Nonpoint YouTube

   Nonpoint MySpace

Resources: Accessed 8-28-2013.



All That Remains

Best Band List


Formed 1998 in Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Current Members (click on member’s name for Wikipedia):

Philip Labonte, vocalist

     @philthatremains Twitter

     Philip’s Facebook 

Mike Martin, guitarist

    @mikemartinatr Twitter *5k followers and no tweets?

Oli Herbert, guitaritst

    @OliHerbert4Real Twitter 

Jeanne Sagan, bassist     

     @burnthiskiss Twitter 

Jason Costa, drummer

     @fluffscabatr Twitter

     @ATRhq Twitter

    ATR’s Facebook

    ATR’s YouTube

   ATR’s MySpace

Resources: Accessed 8-26-2013.